The sporting premises of the Tennis Club Přerov is one of the largest in the Czech Republic.
We can find there:
- 25 clay courts
- the large Central Court with grandstands for 2000 onlookers
- smaller central court containing seats for 800 onlookers
- 4 indoor courts with hard surface
- 2 indoor courts with clay surface
- 2 outdoor courts with hard surface
- 2 practice walls for children
- background for both top and competition tennis (changing rooms, showers, common rooms)
- a sauna
- rehabilitation rooms
- 2 restaurants
- a sportshop
- a warm water outdoor swimming pool
- a beach volleyball play-ground
- golf launching pad

When reconstructing these premises, the Tennic Club Precolor Přerov collaborated closely with a company EKKL of Kroměříž (